When I made this blog I had decided to not post about the day by day happenings in my life; but to fill it instead with insightful articles and quotes. Well, I am ready to break my rule. :) I have spent most of this month wrapt in the downy robe of music, and hence, enveloped in bliss; from spending hours at a time on the piano, to playing handbells, to teaching my li'l sister to play the Irish wistle. (Even after midnight I am practicing "bells", namely ice cream scoops. :p. They actually have pretty close to the right weight for the higher bells that I play.) I was able to attend a handbell concert last week, which was fantastic!!! They had variety in their repetoire, and a spark of humor in their performance.
My brother and I share this passion for music (especially bells) and I am so thankful. To have so many of our hobbies, tasts and interests coinside is a great blessing and encouragement to continue on in growing in experience.
Well I must sign out, with apologies for so un-inspirational a post. Hope you all had a wonderful and joyful Thanksgiving! (Ahem: you both. :) )