Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Suffering Saints

Please pray for the Christians in Iraq and other countries. We live in amazing safety and it is easy to forget that many Brothers and Sisters around the world are in constant peril. Many are kidnapped, imprisoned, beaten, robbed, separated, and killed daily.

Pray for their safety, but do not forget to pray for their faith, and that their testimony would be bold and effective.

I have heard many times that in places where persecution is the hottest, faith is the deepest, and against all odds, God's Church flourishes.


  1. How touching... I will be keeping them in our prayers. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. We did that pray for the persecuted church at the Swanson's. We wrote letters to them and encouraged them. We also made parachutes to deliver "illegal" material(a.k.a. Bibbles, christian resources, etc...)

